Friday, September 17, 2010

IPTV fluctuated between hot and cold

June 1, 2006, U.S. high-tech market research firm infonetics has issued a report on the development of global IPTV market forecast report, which states that by 2009, global IPTV equipment and service market capacity will reach 44 billion U.S. dollars. By 2009, worldwide IPTV subscribers will grow to 53 million. In order to meet the needs of users of this magnitude, IPTV service providers are currently investing heavily in IPTV infrastructure, transport network and content industry. By 2009, the report is expected to IPTV equipment market capacity will be 60 million, service revenue will exceed 38 billion U.S. dollars. In 2005, the global IPTV equipment sales revenue exceeded 400 million U.S. dollars.

Obviously, like to applaud for the IPTV industry investigation agency not unusual, IDC recently released "China IPTV Market 2006-2010 Forecast and Analysis" report also says that China is the IPTV industry's largest market potential, especially in 2008 Olympics, the promotion of IPTV will play the role of boosters. According to the forecast, by 2010 China IPTV is expected to have more than 20 million users. However, the optimism of the report can not cover up China's IPTV industry's dilemma, it is understood that about 40 million users in China to install the IPTV, including Shanghai, Qingdao, Hangzhou and other regions, but the official license holders operate only in Shanghai and Harbin, other places are still in experimental stage network.

Between the hot and cold, China's IPTV industry is in the contradiction between the cold and heat, but the future potential development of a lot of difficulties.

Concept update

Entered in 2006, IPTV industry as a whole into the actual combat phase, which could be from China Telecom, China Netcom equipment purchases are frequently released a single enclosure movement discerned. Firmly fixed on IPTV equipment before the arrival of 3G companies view them as an opportunity to quench their thirst. Appliance manufacturers, whether or telecommunications equipment manufacturers, without exception, increased the IPTV industry's attention and investment.

May 23 -26, China International Exhibition on ZTE 3G launch at the show and series of devices and IPTV, and IPTV solutions are listed as main event on display. ZTE IPTV & Yu Yifang, general manager of multimedia products, told reporters that, as the domestic IPTV commercial projects stage for the understanding of operators IPTV has not only stay in business through the display terminal to demonstrate the prototype level, but to take drastic measures to capture changes market. Currently, IPTV services can be achieved has been extended, in addition to online games, information services, business television, distance education, Kara OK and other audio and video business outside, but also to provide visual communication.

Many firms that had to IPTV as "the application of Internet to television sets," is to a large industry to the "narrow" of the.搴蜂匠鏁板瓧缃戠粶浜嬩笟閮ㄦ?缁忕悊椹槑涔熷憡璇夎鑰咃紝锛掞紣锛愶紪骞达缉锛帮即锛朵骇涓氱殑浜曞柗闃舵鍗冲皢鍒版潵锛岃繎鏃ワ紝搴蜂匠涓庢暟瀛楃粓绔拰淇″彿澶勭悊鑺墖鐨勫法鎿橈即锛╋紙寰峰窞浠櫒锛夊叕鍙哥粨鎴愭垬鐣ヨ仈鐩燂紝灏嗚仈鍚堝紑鍙戯缉锛帮即锛剁綉缁滅粓绔紝姝ゆ鍚堜綔鐨勪富瑙掓槸锛达缉鐨勶激锝侊级锝夛綆锝冿綁锛堜腑鏂囧悕涓鸿揪鑺锛夋妧鏈?鎹鑰呬簡瑙o紝璇ユ妧鏈槸锛达缉閽堝锛╋及锛达级缁堢寮?彂鍟嗘帹鍑虹殑涓?釜鏂板钩鍙帮紝鍖呭惈鏈夌鍚堟秷璐圭被濞变箰璁惧瑙勮寖鐨勭‖浠舵?鑳藉姞閫熷櫒浠ュ強闊炽?瑙嗛澶栬锛岃?鍏锋潃鎵嬮攺绾у埆鐨勫姛鑳芥槸鍏惰棰戞祦銆佸奖鍍忎互鍙婇煶棰戞?鑳姐?







涓嶈繃锛屼笌涓?簺涔愯鐨勮璋冪浉姣旓紝锛╋及锛达级浜т笟鍚屾牱鏈夌潃鎮茶鐨勫0闊炽?杩戞湡锛屽垎鏋愭満鏋勬槗瑙傚浗闄呭彂甯冪殑璇勪及鎶ュ憡璁や负锛屾湭鏉ヤ笁骞达紝锛╋及锛达级鐨勬姇璧勯闄╁ぇ浜庢姇璧勬敹鐩婏紝浠嶅浜庡競鍦哄煿妞嶉樁娈点?鍚屾牱锛屼竴浜涘叧娉缉锛帮即锛朵骇涓氱殑椋庨櫓鎶曡祫涔熸寔璋ㄦ厧鎬佸害锛岃涓烘姇璧勶缉锛帮即锛垛?闈炲父楹荤儲鈥濃?鈥旂數瑙嗗唴瀹规晱鎰燂紝鏀跨瓥椋庨櫓杩囧ぇ銆傦缉锛わ姬涓浗鍚堜紮浜虹帇鍔熸潈瀵硅鑰呰〃绀猴紝锛╋激锛у锛╋及锛达级鏈夊叴瓒o紝浣嗚繖涓?涓氭秹鍙婂浗瀹惰鍙紝璧勬簮琚瀯鏂紝闅句互鎵惧埌鍚堥?鐨勫垏鍏ョ偣銆?br />
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